Snow and Wellness

Snow and Wellness


Oh no its snowing!! For the lucky ones not going into work or school today you are likely hunkering down waiting for the 18 inch NY blizzard to pass.  Unlike hibernating Bears, Mother Nature does not give you the gift of slowing down your metabolism.

How can snow and wellness go together? How to to prevent cabin fever and weight gain?

1  Water sport in winter. Water guns can be a fun winter activity in the snow as well. Simply mix some kool-aid or food coloring with some water and fill the guns with the liquid dye. Spray the snow with the water guns to create pictures and words. This is a fun project for multiple people, and it will prove that water guns are fun all year round.

2. Work out in front of TV.  Just 15 minutes of sit-ups, jumping jacks, push-ups and squats can burn 200 calories.

3. Play video games.  No not the sedentary kind you’re thinking.  Hit the Wii or X-Box Kinect virtual motion games that get you going such as Dance Revolution, Kinect Sport, Punch Out, and Wii Fit Plus.

4. Vitameatavegamin.  Lucy Ricardo was onto something, using foods and vitamins play a role in mood.

  • Boost Vitamin D, the “sunshine vitamin”,  with light therapy, 20-30 min of sunshine 3 -5 days a week or daily Vitamin D supplements.
  • Animal Protein – increasing depression fighting tryptophans found in lean meats such as poultry, eggs and wild seafood.
  • Selenium –  low levels of selenium are also associated with an increased risk of depression. Serve Brazil Nuts at the next Football party.

5.  Altruism –  Volunteer for Meals for WheelsYes helping others chemically changes neurotransmitters associated with positive feelings, decreasing anxiety and worry, and making people feel stronger and more energetic.

6. Fun Recipe from

Snow Ice Cream

1 cup milk
1 egg, well beaten
3/4 cup sugar
1/4 tsp. salt
clean snow
Beat egg; add milk, sugar and salt. Mix together well. Add enough snow to make it thick.

Shorter, darker days can cause winter blues but evidentially snow and ice cream bring smiles. Now if I can only  get up to doing push-ups to Downtown Abbey.

New Proposed Rules for Wellness Programs

New Proposed Rules for Wellness Programs

New Proposed Rules for Wellness Programsweights.pngIn another step forward to  ncentivize wellness new proposal can give discounts for managing good health much like good drivers with auto insurance.New proposed rules issued under Health Care Reform address certain amendments to the nondiscrimination requirements for group health plans offering a wellness program to comply with the federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA).Specifically, the proposed rules would increase the maximum permissible reward under a wellness program that requires an individual to satisfy a standard based on a health factor in order to obtain a reward, from 20% to 30% of the cost of coverage (and to 50% for programs designed to prevent or reduce tobacco use). The rules also include other proposed clarifications regarding the requirements for such wellness programs to avoid prohibited discrimination, including reasonable design and reasonable alternatives that must be offered for individuals to obtain the reward.Other Proposed Rules Released Under Health Care Reform
Separately, new proposed rules have been issued for health insurance companies regarding the law’s requirements related to guaranteed availability of coverage and essential health benefits.

  • Under one set of proposed rules, issuers offering non-grandfathered health insurance coverage in the individual or group market would be required to accept every individual and employer that applies for coverage, with limited exceptions. Issuers in the individual and small group markets would be allowed to vary premiums within limits, only based on age, tobacco use, family size, and geography.
  • Another set of proposed rules outline issuer standards related to coverage of “essential health benefits.” Essential health benefits are a core set of items and services that must be covered by non-grandfathered plans in the individual and small group markets beginning in 2014.

While its always been known a healthy living for employees makes a productive employee.  Large businesses have benefited from a healthy work force as they can better afford programs and have a direct rate reduction in rates.

Although employers continue to use cost shifting to control health insurance expenses, many companies are also making wellness programs part of the overall strategy to keep costs down by keeping staff members healthy.“Our entire health care system is organized around treating diseases after they occur, not preventing them before they occur. We need a paradigm shift that places prevention at the center of our health priorities.” – Lynn C. Swann, Chairman, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports

The new proposed rules would apply for plan years beginning on or after January 1, 2014. An overview of the proposed rules is available on Our Summary by Year offers updates on other requirements related to Health Care Reform.

Top 10 Holiday Stress Free Tips

Top 10 Holiday Stress Free Tips

Holiday Meal

Top 10 Holiday Stress Free Tips

Surviving the holidays with one’s waistline, bank account and sanity intact can be challenging for everyone, but the season affords specific pitfalls—and opportunities—for those who are mindful of staying  physically and mentally healthy throughout the season and beyond.—try these tips:

1. Protecting Big-Ticket Items: Big-ticket electronics, such as televisions, computers and gaming consoles, are at the top of many holiday wish lists but who can afford to break the bank?  How about a Discount Dental PPO/Vision Card for less than $10? With eroding benefits you would be amazed how many loved ones need coverage!

2. Never arrive to your social function feeling overly hungry. Avoid skipping meals or snacks to save up your calories- this will encourage over eating. Have a snack ahead of time to take off the edge such as goodness knows snack squares- a four-square serving has 150 calories and is made from slow-roasted whole almonds, fruits, toasted oats and extraordinary deep chocolate. They come in three delicious flavors: Nutty Apple, Very Cranberry and Peachy Cherry.

3. Take care of yourself. Be active and eat well – these help maintain a healthy body. Physical and mental health are closely linked; it’s easier to feel good about life if your body feels good. You don’t have to go to the gym to exercise – gardening, vacuuming, dancing and bushwalking all count. Combine physical activity with a balanced diet to nourish your body and mind and keep you feeling good, inside and out.

4. Deal with stress. Be aware of what triggers your stress and how you react. You may be able to avoid some of the triggers and learn to prepare for or manage others. Stress is a part of life and affects people in different ways. It only becomes a problem when it makes you feel uncomfortable or distressed. A balanced lifestyle can help you manage stress better. If you have trouble winding down, you may find that relaxation breathing, yoga or meditation can help.

5. Incorporate daily, moderate, physical activity. Even doing 2 -15 minute walks each day can make a difference. This is especially easy to do when holiday shopping! If you can’t get to a gym, try wearing a pedometer and increase your steps each day- (10,000 steps/day = 5 miles)

6. Watch the Liquid Calories: A martini contains about 275 calories, and 1 glass of wine has about 130 calories. Also watch out for all of the calories you might consume while you drink. Try substituting with a glass of sparkling water in between alcoholic beverages. Moderation for men is no more than 2 drinks per day and no more than 1 drink per day for women (wine: 5 oz, beer: 12 oz, liquor: 1.5 oz)

7. Plan ahead! It’s no so much of a lack of will power but a lack of preplanning. A great quote related to this is “failure to plan is planning to fail.” Think ahead and set realistic daily goals for yourself. Start thinking about making healthy food choices before you even walk into the party.

8. Portions, Portions, Portions– practice portion control: enjoy your favorite holiday foods but be mindful of your portions. Try eating slower or using smaller plates. Fill up ½ your plate with lower calorie items such as raw veggies or shrimp cocktail.

9.  Office Parties, leave the work talk in the office This is a chance to let your hair down, to meet coworkers’ spouses and significant others and children. Make the rounds and mingle with as many different people as you can. And whatever you do, don’t be that guy who brings up work stuff. No matter how fun your light-up Frosty tie is, you will be hated for this. Sales numbers and conference calls and brainstorming sessions can wait. People have lives outside of the office. You should too. Or you should fake it.

10. Rest and refresh. Get plenty of sleep. Go to bed at a regular time each day and practice good habits to get better sleepSleep restores both your mind and body. However, feelings of fatigue can still set in if you feel constantly rushed and overwhelmed when you are awake. Allow yourself some unfocussed time each day to refresh; for example, let your mind wander, daydream orsimply watch the clouds go by for a while. It’s OK to add ‘do nothing’ to your to-do list!

Do you have another healthy holiday eating tip we haven’t talked about yet?  If so, leave us a comment or a question.

Employee Wellness Boosts Productivity

Employee Wellness Boosts Productivity

 Employee Wellness Boosts Productivity

Companies in the Salt Lake City area know productivity is higher and health costs are lower when employees have ways to exercise and reduce stress during the work day, whether it is using a company gym, eating healthier in the cafeteria or taking regular breaks. A study to be published in Population Health Management says “presenteeism,” which means people coming to work with physical or emotional problems, reduces productivity. The Salt Lake Tribune (Utah)

Some of the most popular wellness services offered are providing resources and information at 76 percent, giving onsite seasonal fluvaccinations at 54 percent and hosting health fairs at 42 percent. Other wellness efforts include health and lifestyle coaching at 37 percent, health screening at 39 percent and smoking cessation programs at 34 percent.

Considering that obesity and other chronic health issues continue to impact the well-being of employees and an employer’s bottom line, more respondents on a national level are offering lower health care premiums for getting an annual health risk assessment and not using tobacco according to surveys.  The ROI on wellness is starting to pay – wellness plans pay for itself.


Wellness Section

Final Wellness Incentive Rule Released

Yoga improves health and reduces costs

Best Foods to Boost Immunity

For more information, you may review the final rules in their entirety.  For MMS Corp previous blogs on wellness, click here. we will keep you posted on future PPACA wellness program opportunities.  In the meantime, please visit  to view past blogs and Legislative Alerts at

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The views expressed in this post do not necessarily reflect the official policy, position, or opinions of MMS Corp. This update is provided for informational purposes. Please consult with a licensed accountant or attorney regarding any legal and tax matters discussed herein.

Your Free Pharmacy Card

Your Free Pharmacy Card


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Use this link or print image below to begin using the FREE Pharmacy Card today.

Your Free Pharmacy Card

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Use this link or print image below to begin using the FREE Pharmacy Card today.

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New Proposed Rules for Wellness Programs

Wellness plans pay for themselves

Although employers continue to use cost shifting to control health insurance expenses, many companies are also making wellness programs part of the overall strategy to keep costs down by keeping staff members healthy.
“Our entire health care system is organized around treating diseases after they occur, not preventing them before they occur. We need a paradigm shift that places prevention at the center of our health priorities.” – Lynn C. Swann, Chairman, President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports[/box]



One survey of 365 companies found that 62 percent have implemented wellness programs as a long-term investment to improve employees’ health. Of these companies, about two-thirds cited rising health care costs as a “major factor” in the decision to sponsor a program, and the other third responded that finances played “some role” in the decision.

In another survey, 80 percent of business executives said the best way to reduce health care costs is to provide financial incentives for employees to lead healthier lifestyles.

At the top of the list of wellness initiatives are health risk assessments, followed by smoking cessation programs. The surveyed companies also offered:

  • Health risk assessments – 61 percent
  • Smoking cessation programs – 56 percent
  • On-site workout facilities – 50 percent
  • Employee diet groups – 48 percent
  • Adding healthier foods to the cafeteria menu – 48 percent
  • Subsidized gym programs – 43 percent
  • Allowing employees to use time during the workday to exercise – 27 percent
  • Diet counseling – 27 percent
  • Other initiatives, such as free flu shots, healthier vending machine choices, wellness Web sites, and on-site massages – 32 percent

Almost half of the companies with wellness programs offered employees incentives to participate, such as cash payments, reduced medical co-payments, rebates on wellness program costs, gift certificates and prizes.

While the surveys cited above focused on large companies, small and midsize businesses are also offering wellness initiatives. The National Federation of Independent Business reports that more than 80 percent of businesses with 50 or more employees have implemented some type of wellness program.

Most companies acknowledge that the payoff won’t come immediately. Employers were asked, “Do you believe that helping employees lead healthier lifestyles will make a noticeable difference to the company’s health care costs?” Eighty percent of respondents said “Yes, but it will take a while to see results.” Only four percent expected immediate improvement. Another 14 percent thought an impact on health care costs was a possibility, but said they had other reasons for participating.

The actual financial savings a company will realize from a wellness initiative is impossible to predict. It depends on the type of program and extent of employee participation. Of course, participation can be affected by factors such as incentives to join, awareness of the initiatives, and how the employer supports the program.

Keep in mind that wellness programs can do more for a company than just contain health insurance costs. Healthier employees are likely to be more productive, have fewer absences, and have better attitudes towards their jobs. Sponsorship of wellness programs can also enhance a company’s recruitment efforts and improve its image in the community.