HR 360

Millennium Medical Solutions Corp. is proud to have formed a partnership with HR360. This partnership will help us deliver state-of-the-art online Human Resources and Benefits Library to our clients.This partnership with HR360 will help The Millennium Medical Solutions Corp. clients access HR360’s premier online HR library which features a single point for access to the most current and updated federal and state laws. The HR360 website will help Millennium Medical Solutions Corp.’s clients by providing easy, step-by-step guidance on how to comply with a broad range of topics such as how to properly interview, hire and terminate employees to how to comply with laws from Health Care Reform, FMLA and COBRA.This online library of HR and benefits information provides extensive resources in the areas of:

  • Compliance steps that clearly explain how to comply with the law to help avoid potential employee lawsuit
  • Categorized HR & Benefits documents
  • OSHA compliance
  • How to do performance reviews, interview, hire and terminate
  • Step-by-step approach to implementing COBRA and FMLA
  • Fast, efficient online HR tools for developing job descriptions and HR practices
  • Federal and State employment law information
  • Safety resources
  • Salary benchmarking
  • How to implement wellness plans including:
      • Needs assessment
      • Interest surveys
      • Plan design
      • Implementation
      • Evaluation

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HR360 is managed by a professional team of attorneys, HR specialists, editors and advisors who have years of experience in developing and maintaining award-winning online HR and benefits content.If you would like to be provided with access to the HR360 portal, please contact your account rep or fill out our contact form on the contact page of our website.
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