HSA 2022 Limits Released

The IRS has released the 2022  Health Savings Account (HSA) inflation adjustments. To be eligible to make HSA contributions, an individual must be covered under a high deductible health plan (HDHP) and meet certain other eligibility requirements.

New HSA 2022 limits are as follows:




HSA Annual Contribution Limit
$3,650;  $7,300
$3,600 – Single; $7,200 – Family
HDHP Minimum Annual Deductible
$1,400;  $2,800
$1,400 – Single; $2,800 – Family
HDHP Out-of-Pocket Maximum
$7,050;  $14,100
$7,000 – Single; $14,000 – Family
Age 55+ Catch-Up Provision
$1,000;  $2,000
$1,000- Single; $2,000 – H/W 

Age 55 Catch Up Contribution

As in 401k and IRA contributions, you are allowed to contribute extra if you are above a certain age. If you are age 55 or older by the end of the year, you can contribute an additional $1,000 to your HSA. If you are married, and both of you are age 55, each of you can contribute an additional $1,000. A savvy strategy for high-income earners is to invest the money in your HSA for the long haul. Once you’re 65, you can take out tax-free distributions to cover Medicare premiums. If you withdraw money at that point for non-medical uses, you pay the same tax as you would on withdrawals from a pretax 401(k). But you can also take money out tax-free to reimburse yourself for prior years’ out-of-pocket medical expenses if you have the old receipts.

COVId-19 Update: 

You can even use an HSA to save on a typical trip to the CVS. Thanks to a tax relief provision tucked in the last Covid-19 stimulus package, you can use the money you stash in an HSA or FSA (more on those later) for over-the-counter medications like Tylenol or Flonase as well as menstrual products like tampons and pads. That reverses Obamacare restrictions on OTC meds requiring a doctor’s prescription for them to be eligible for reimbursement.


HSA/HDHP Market Growth

HSA holders own the assets in the accounts and can build up substantial sums over time.  Enrollment in HSA-compatible insurance plans has increased to 10 million earlier this year, from 1 million in March 2005, according to, America’s Health Insurance Plans (AHIP), a trade group.

FSA Store

HSAs were authorized starting in January 2004. Since then, AHIP has conducted a periodic census of health plans participating in the HSA/HDHP market.

  • The number of people with HSA/HDHP coverage rose to more than 11.4 in January 2011, up from 10.0 million in January 2010, 8.0 million in January 2009, and 6.1 million in January 2008.
  • 30 percent of individuals covered by an HSA plan were in the small group market, 50 percent were in the large-group market, and the remaining 20 percent were in the individual market.
  •  14% of all workers in the private sector have access to a Health Savings Account acc. to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
  • States with the highest levels of HSA/HDHP enrollment were California, Ohio, Florida, Texas, Illinois, and Minnesota.

HSA Advantages:

  • Opportunity to build savings – Unused money stays in your account from year to year and earns tax-free interest. The HSA also gives you an investment opportunity.
  • Tax-free contributions and earnings – You don’t pay taxes on contributions or earnings.
  • Tax-Free Money allowed for non-traditional Medical coverage– As per IRS Publication 502, unused money can be used for dental, vision, Lasik eye surgery, acupuncture, yoga, infertility, etc.  Popular Examples
  • Portability – The funds belong to you, so you keep the funds if you change jobs or retire.

Our overall experience with HSAs has been positive when employer funding is at a minimum 50% using either the HSA or an HRA (Health Reimbursement Account-employer keeps unspent money).  Traditional plans trend of higher copays and new in-network deductibles has also led to the popularity of an HSA.

Next Steps

Plan sponsors should update payroll and plan administration systems for the 2022 cost-of-living adjustments and should incorporate the new limits in relevant participant communications, such as open enrollment and communication materials, plan documents, and summary plan descriptions.


Is your HSA compliant?  Which pre-tax qualified HSAFSAHRA spending card is right for you? Please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp (855)667-4621 for immediate answers.  Stay tuned for updates as more information gets released.  Sign up for the latest news updates.


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