Breaking: Maimonides North Shore LIJ Partnership

Breaking: Maimonides North Shore LIJ Partnership

Breaking: Maimonides North Shore LIJ Partnership

Breaking: Maimonides North Shore LIJ Partnership
Breaking News: NSLIJ, and Brooklyn’s Maimonides Announce Strategic Partnership on Wednesday. Both side shave been in talks since February.

Eventually North Shore-LIJ and Maimonides will fully integrate, “in a phased approach that will begin immediately,” the two jointly announced Wednesday. In the meantime, both institutions maintain their independence and separate governance structures. Lynam said there was no specific time frame for full integration.

Maimonides gets much-needed cash — tens of millions of dollars — for capital and operational investments. That will help it compete with Presbyterian-backed Methodist and Langone-backed Lutheran. North Shore-LIJ gets its first real foothold in #Brooklyn, one of the most competitive health care markets in the nation. But it does so without the commitment that a full-scale merger would entail. An affiliation agreement also protects North Shore-LIJ from unknown liabilities related to the Federation of Jewish Philanthropies, a malpractice insurer that covers Maimonides and several other hospitals

North Shore-LIJ  has made strategic partnerships and acquisitions before.  For North Shore-LIJ, the relationship means it has a hospital or hospitals in every borough as well as blanketing Westchester and Long Island.  North Shore-LIJ, the country’s 14th largest health care system, owns 19 hospitals. In the city that includes Lenox Hill Hospital in Manhattan, Staten Island University Hospital, and, in Queens, Forest Hills Hospital, Long Island Jewish Medical Center, Cohen Children’s Medical Center and Zucker Hillside Hospital, a behavioral health center.

They are also actively insuring members today in the Downstate NY area under the CareConnect NSLIJ holding company.  With important advantages under ACA and mindful of delivering value the insurance arm is priced affordably.  In fact they had lowered their rates 15-20% for 2015 and and industry low 3.3% for 2016.

For more information on 

See PR Announcement here
Related Posts: NSLIJ CareConnect adds WestMed
NSLIJ Adds Phelps Hospital
CareConnect NSLIJ
NYS 2016 Rates Approved
NYS 2015 Rates Approved

NYS 2015 Rates Approved

NYS 2015 Rates Approved   NYS DFS 2015 Rates Approved

The NYS Department of Financial Services has reviewed individual and small group health carriers’ rate increase requests for 2015, and announced the results of their review.

Interestingly, North Shore LIJ Care Connect was the only insurer to request a rate reduction.  With significant expansion steps they are well positioned for Wescthester, Bronx, NYC, SI, Queens and LI.   These numbers are across the board and  specific plan rate renewal may vary.

Reminder: Individual Exchange Marketplace opens Nov 2015.  Rates will be posted upon Health Insurer’s release, check our site.

Individual Market

On average, insurers requested a 12.5 percent increase in health insurance rates for 2015 in the individual market. DFS reduced that average increase more than in half to 5.7 percent – which is below the approximately 8 percent average increase in health care costs.

Small Group Market

On average, insurers requested a 13.9 percent increase in health insurance rates for 2015 in the small group market. DFS reduced that average increase more than in half to 6.7 percent – which is also below the approximately 8 percent increase in health care costs.

You may view the DFS press release, which includes a recap of the increases requested and approved by clicking here.

For specific details on all available health plans in 2015, contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp  (855)667-4621.  We work in coordination with Navigators to assist with medicaid, CHIP Child Health Plus, Family Health Plus and Medicare Dual Eligibles.   We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available.  Quotes can also be viewed on our site.

See Health Reform Resource