Union Plans and Obamacare

Union Plans and Obamacare

The Con Ed lockout this Summer couldn’t come at a more heady time.  I’m not referring to the obvious temperature swelter  but more to the employee health benefits that are at the back bone of virtually every recent Labor dispute.  With the Con Ed dispute, Management’s  has acquiesced on the health insurance .  “Con Ed did accede to “public pressure” on Sunday by reinstating health insurance for the 8,500  members of Local 1-2 of the Utility Workers Union of America, a company spokesman said. The workers have been collecting unemployment benefits for two weeks but had to pay for their own prescription medicine and doctor visits because the company cut off health coverage when the old contract expired, at midnight June 30.”

Interestingly, Unions are major stakeholders in Healthcare as their benefits have been traditionally rich incentives attracting to workers.  However, with A.C.A. (Affordable Care Act) otherwise known as Obamacare their health programs are very much in danger of additional taxation or  member withdrawal.  Unions estimate these provisions will raise the cost of health coverage by an additional $1,000 a year.   In fact, a Union members may fare better on the Individual Mandated Exchange with projected individual direct insurance dropping 70% things will open up.  A lower/middle income member will likely qualify for an additional discount credit.  A more affordable health plan just may be a possibility.

There are other reasons the Individual Health Plan may be better:

  • Unions as other self insured group must now comply with added benefits for  preventive care, maternity care, Age 26 dependent care, pre-existing condition waivers.
  • No Annual Limits on essential benefits by 2014
  • No Lifetime Limits
  • No more mini-med plans – discount health plans are prohibited.  The movie John Q , based on a true story, where a father is told his son’s transplant will not be covered based on th elicited mini-med plan covering him up to $20,000. Large companies such as McDonald’s have also sponsored mini meds.
  • Cadillac Tax – By 2018 a 40% excise tax on health plans that exceed $10,200(single) and $27,500 (family).

The original Cadillac Tax was pushed back by  the behest of Unions to 2018 from the  original proposed 2014 date. Most Unions with generous health care packages would not be complaint within that time frame.

However, not all is grim for Unions.  HHS has issued waivers to 1,625 plans covering 3,914,356 individuals were exempt from these mandates through 2014.  According to Heartland  “More than half of the approximately four million individuals receiving waivers are union members, including 82.9 percent of those covered in the most recently updated list of waivers.”

With current administration posts coming from Union there wouldn’t be much surprise if these allowances continue.  Would it be that bold to predict for Union Members  in 2014  will be allowed to use their  Individual Exchange income tax credits for their Union benefits packages? Small businesses may not be as lucky.


Happy July 4th – Summer 2011

Happy July 4th – Summer 2011


Healthcare Reform – Year Later

Hello. It’s been awhile, hope you’re all well. To all who have inquired, my thanks for your concern, but all’s good. Hectic, but good. Lot’s going on and an awful lot of travel. I’ve had a chance to meet and talk with with insurance carriers, Health Human Services, Trade Groups, Broker panels and most importantly customers with spirited opinions such as yourselves. It’s been a great time to learn, recharge and stay a bit too busy to write any meaningful posts. While staying busy appears to be the new constant, I’ll try to find something worthy to share on a more regular basis.
Before I get into it some news at MMS Corp:


Check our new 360peo.com this summer.  We began the redesign and update of our web site to make it more user friendly and features packed with the following:


1-Quoting Module – The quoting engine will offer cross leading plans based on your location, income and employee total.   Not all plans and carriers will participate and it is recommended that you get in touch with us.
2-Health Care Reform Section-this tab is dedicated to the new PPACA law.
3 Instant Chat – Scheduled Fall 2011
4. Social 2.0- Find us on Facebook, Linkedin and Twitter.
5. HR Log In- For clients only.  Some of you have already begun using this online HR Kiosk.  We’ve deployed this in partnership with HR Connect Technologies to offer employers  tools for common HR tasks such as Benefit Plan Admin, Forms for new hires, terminations, work-site postings and employee record keeping.  HR-Connect is a secure, HIPAA-compliant, Internet driven system designed to simplify your human resource department.  Employees can review their own personal information, but not other employee’s data.  Click Video Demo here and just ask us to set it up for your business at no charge!


MMS has also been speaking on Health Care Reform at various business groups and organizations. We have done talks at Small Property Owners of NY , Manhasset Republican Club and Greek Property Owners of NY.


Lastly, we have been appointed earlier in 2011 to the Empire Broker Advisory Council which consists of top 10 of 5000 brokers that meets throughout the year to discuss relevant topics such as market insights, health reform changes and input on future plan designs.  We take this opportunity seriously in giving voice to our clients and shaping a more consumer friendly plan. To Empire’s credit, they have been indeed listening and have taken suggestions seriously. New plan options released in the Fall will be examples of this.


For now, however, let’s play some catch-up:

Latest new is that US Court of Appeals has ruled that the Affordable Care Act is constitutional. The ruling is online here.  The ruling stated that this is in synch with the commerce clause of interstate commerce.  Furthermore, since Congress can force someone to buy health insurance because even if they don’t need insurance today they will at some point in their life.   While this  ruling is impactful and could influence future rulings, this is expected by many  to go to Supreme Court.  They have been loudly silent on this touchy topic thus far.


Regardless, this Individual Mandate has little teeth with penalties @ $95 or 1% for 2014, $325 or 2% in 2015 and $695 or 2.5% in 2016.   In other words if one can still buy health insurance, face little penalties and no pre-existing condition whats stopping someone form buying insurance when they’re in the hospital?!


To date, many key provisions have already been enacted. Some of those are:

  • Extending the age of adult children eligible for coverage under their parents’ health care plan to age 26
  • Prohibiting individual and group health plans from placing lifetime limits on the dollar value of coverage
  • Preventing health insurers from rescinding coverage (except in cases of fraud)
  • Prohibiting health insurers from imposing  pre-existing condition exclusions for children
  • Mandating coverage for recommended immunizations and preventive care

PPACA items that died in 2011.

1.  The non-discrimination provision for Group Health Plans have been delayed.  The short answer is that IRS needs more funding to enforce this as well as additional guidance. See blog here

2. 1099 Repeal –  See blog here

3. W2 Reporting delayed- the IRS said employers who file fewer than 250 Forms W-2 in 2011 will not be required to report the cost of health care coverage prior to January 2014


Items that have funding delays:

1. Free Choice Voucher Program Takes a Hit- The program  would have provided funding of vouchers for lower income employees to subsidize the employer contribution. Under this provision, plan sponsors of employer-based plans (including self-funded benefit plans) would have been required to offer vouchers to employees who fall below a pre-defined income threshold, while the state-based exchanges would credit the employee the amount of the voucher that exceeded their monthly premium.

2. No Health Co-Ops- The goal of the program was to spur the creation of qualified nonprofit health insurance issuers that could offer health plans for individuals and small businesses in states where insurance issuers are licensed to offer them. The program also would have provided loans and grants to fund start-up and maintenance costs for these plans.

This is a bit disappointing as we looked to the highly rated Seattle-based Group Health Cooperative program as a successful at managing costs and offering consumer centric care, click here for more info.

3. Wellness Funding for Small groups- no updates as of yet on the $750 Million funding. This was forward thinking incentives for small groups to afford a a Wellness Program for smoking cessation, diet/nutrition, gym etc.  Typically large groups have had these programs as their rates are directly linked to “experience” of their members.  In small market the rates are spread over thousands of other small groups.  This is a first come first serve funding that we are closely monitoring to help our groups.

We are partnering with Wellness Companies and Health Insurers on establishing a program for small groups.  The ROI on this is typically 1.6 :1. If you think your group could benefit please drop us a note at info@medicalsolutionscor.com.


The biggest news really will be the Health Exchanges schedule to open by 2014. NYS in particular than most states has enjoyed 2 rounds of Federal seed capital with almost $30 million for this effort. Each state has to set up an exchange, or marketplace, where small employers and individuals whose employers don’t provide coverage, or who can’t afford the employer plans, can purchase insurance. About 2.7 million New Yorkers are uninsured.


Sponsors say it should also result in one statewide, online, streamlined system for enrolling and renewing enrollment in government-supported Medicaid, Child Health Plus and Family Health Plus programs.


Each state can implement their own version. Several states have rejected funding and do not want to participate in the exchange.  By discounting health plan rates based on income its unclear of how much will fall as a state burden?


Florida is one state that has decided not to implement a state health insurance exchange altogether. That state is seeking to shift virtually all of its Medicaid population from government coverage into private plans starting in July 2012.


Two states, Massachusetts and Utah, each have existing state exchanges that differ fundamentally. The Massachusetts exchange is considered an “active purchaser” model, has a large organization and a sizeable budget. The state’s model does not allow all licensed insurers to participate in the exchange. The Utah model, on the other hand, is an “all-comer” model that allows any licensed health insurer to participate. Utah’s exchange initiative is much smaller in scope with only two full-time employees and a limited budget. Currently, the Massachusetts state exchange is suffering major cost overruns.


Rebecca Vesely, writing in Business Insurance, makes this clear in her article describing how two states, Vermont and Florida, are taking strikingly different paths in addressing health care reform. Vermont has taken the first step toward creating a single payer system by 2017. Legislation to set up a five member board to move the state in this direction has already been enacted. And while many details need to be worked out (funding, to name one) and Vermont will need to obtain a waiver from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services to put the package together, the state is further down the road to single payer than any other.


With healthcare becoming a hot issue for 2012 both parties are entrenched. Democrats are promoting Medicare as an effective low cost plan that provides insurance for millions of people. The fact that it is imploding is seemingly lost.  Republicans, on the other hand, are touting touting free enterprise system but the Medicare Part D law enacted by Bush in 2003 had been under estimated by half! Along with Medicare Advantage plans that have cost the Gov in excess of what was expected.


Rita Redberg, UCF professor of medicine writes an amazing editorial in  NYT  “Squandering Medicare Money”. While this war of words by both parties goes on no one is really minding the issues. There are things that can be done right now while Washington tries to get its own house in order. An honest appraisal of Medicare Advantage shows that the program doesn’t deserve a fatter payday; it demands a serious crackdown.


Limitations on funding both at the federal and state levels will need to be addressed to avoid a rise in government deficit levels. In the short term, PPACA will continue to face significant political and legal hurdles. Nonetheless, implementation will continue, with more provisions and offices becoming established under the law.

*    *    *    *   *

As more information becomes available, MMS Corp is committed to keeping you up-to-date in a timely manner. Coming soon  360peo.com to view past Legislative Alerts in the “Newsroom” section. Or, you may visit alexmiller.wordpress.com for blog posts, polls, surveys and numerous resources. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thank you for taking the time to read through this important notification.

HR Client Log In

HR Client Log In

Type in your username and password to access information about your company and your employee benefits plans.With HR Connect, our employers are enabled to offer a KIOSK HR Services for Employer Admin and Employee Benefits HR needs under one platform. You can connect to all of your company’s latest news, announcements, and benefits information 24-hours-a-day, 7-days-a-week from work, at home, or on the road!If you do not have a password or have forgotten the one assigned to you please contact us at [914] 207-6161 and we will gladly provide you with a password.

Visit our Facebook Page for updated healthcare reform, info and editorials

at .

Just Browsing?- Please feel free to use any of the free features we have provided.

1. Physician Locator- Lets you find any physician in the U.S.A and tells you what plan he or she takes and how to find them.

2. Forms Warehouse- Download and print any form for any carrier in most any state.Hope you benefit from our value added HR System. Please feel free to contact us with any feedback on how we can make this site more functional and user friendly.

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Do not remember my user name.



Alex Miller



Life Insurance

Life Insurance


Life Insurance

The Basics of Life Insurance.

Why do I need Life Insurance?

This is an essential part of financial planning. One reason most people buy life insurance is to replace income that would be lost with the death of a wage earner. The cash provided can also can help ensure that your dependents are not burdened with significant debt when you die. The insurance proceeds could mean your dependents will not have to sell assets to pay outstanding bills or taxes. An important feature is that generally no income tax is payable on proceeds paid to beneficiaries. The death benefit of a life policy owned by a C corporation may be included in the calculation of the alternative minimum tax.

How much Insurance do I need?

Before buying life insurance, you should assemble personal financial information and review your family’s needs. There are a number of factors to consider when determining how much protection you should have. These include:

  • any immediate needs at the time of death, such as final illness expenses, burial costs and estate taxes;
  • funds for a readjustment period, to finance a move or to provide time for family members to find a job
  • ongoing financial needs, such as monthly bills and expenses, day-care costs, college tuition or retirement.

Although there is no substitute for a careful evaluation of the amount of coverage needed to meet your needs, one rule of thumb used is to buy life insurance that is equal to five to seven times annual gross income.

If you want to be more precise, take the time and complete the Needs Analyzer  Click Life Insurance Basics for more information.

Sign up for latest news updates. Please contact us for immediate information on how to implement these initiatives for your group-specific needs at info@medicalsolutionscorp.com or Call (855) 667-4621.

Medicare Quote

Complete the following form if you would like to request information.
A representative from our office will contact you with the requested information.

Personal Information



Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance

Travel Medical Insurance - International Medical Group

Travel Insurance and Affordable Care Act FAQ

Individual & family – Short-term coverage available up to three years for travelers who take frequent trips throughout the year.

Patriot Platinum BrochureYou have enough to worry about when you’re traveling.  Don’t let your medical coverage be an uncertainty.  IMGhas developed two Patriot Platinum Travel Medical Insurance plans to provide you and your family superior protection and offer a complete package of international benefits available 24 hours a day.  Patriot Platinum InternationalSM provides coverage for U.S. citizens traveling outside the U.S. with coverage for brief returns to the U.S., while Patriot Platinum AmericaSM provides coverage for non-U.S. citizens traveling outside their home country.  Both plans are available for a minimum of five days to a maximum of three years.Provides first-class protection for the discerning international traveler who wants to obtain the maximum coverage available in a short-term travel medical insurance product. Quote/Purchase Patriot Platinum Travel Medical InsuranceSM

Patriot Multi-Trip Travel Medical InsurancePatriot Multi-Trip is designed for individuals and families who travel frequently outside their home country throughout the year. The plan offers the ease and convenience of purchasing an affordable single annual premium plan that provides coverage for trips up to 30 or 45 days in length for each trip taken during a period of 12 months. The plan provides up to $1,000,000 of medical coverage and services.There are two plans available: Patriot Multi-Trip International provides coverage for U.S. citizens that take multiple trips annually outside the U.S., and Patriot Multi-Trip America provides coverage for non-U.S. citizens that take multiple trips annually outside their home country.Quote/Purchase Patriot Multi-TripSM
Patriot T.R.I.P. StudentPatriot T.R.I.P. Student is a budget-conscious travel insurance program designed to provide important benefits to students for many of those unforeseen circumstances that may force the cancellation or interruption of a covered trip. This program also includes coverage for trip cancellation or interruption travel and baggage delay, lost or stolen baggage, emergency medical expenses and emergency medical evacuation.

Group Travel Medical Insurance

Patriot Group Travel Medical Insurance(SM) brochure and application

Patriot Group Travel Medical Insurance provides coverage for groups of five or more U.S. citizens and/or foreign nationals who need temporary medical insurance while traveling for business or pleasure anywhere outside their home country. It offers a 10% discount from Patriot
Travel Medical Insurance and has one easy-to-use enrollment form.

There are two Patriot Group Travel plans plans that provide up to $2,000,000 of medical coverage with a choice of deductibles and policy maximums. Patriot International Group provides coverage for U.S. citizens traveling outside the U.S. and Patriot America Group provides coverage for non-U.S. citizens traveling outside their home country. In addition to medical benefits, the plans include coverage for medical evacuation and repatriation.
Coverage can be obtained from a minimum of five days up to a maximum of two years.

What is Travel Insurance and why do I need it?

What types of plans are available?
International Travelers Coverage
International Major Medical Insurance
Travel Accident
Multinational Group Benefit Plans
International Term Life Insurance
Travel Assistance Services

Which plan should I purchase?

Doesn’t my domestic insurance plan or medicare cover me for travel?

What is covered?

How can I obtain this coverage?

Who Administers and Insures this plan?

What is Travel Insurance and

why do I need it?

“Travel Insurance” is a popular term often used to characterize a product that offers medical insurance benefits and some form of emergency assistance to cover travelers for short periods of time. Usually the time period coincides with the beginning and end of a vacation or business trip outside of the traveler’s country of residence and may extend from as short of a period as 15 days to as long as 2 years. Travel insurance is designed to allow travelers to obtain adequate health care and certain other travel related benefits while abroad which typically are not covered by their domestic insurance plan. It further protects individuals from unexpected financial liability as a result of a medical emergency and medical evacuations.

“Travel Insurance”, although used in broad terms to describe international insurance in general is only one segment of the International Insurance and Benefit Products marketplace. International Major Medical Health, Travel Medical, Travel Assistance, and International Term Life products are just some of the products designed specifically for those who are either traveling internationally, or for U.S. Citizens living abroad, or Foreign Nationals living anywhere.

The complexion of our world is changing, international travel is reaching all time levels, retirees and business people are living and working as expatriates in ever increasing numbers and many of the public medical systems in the world cannot respond to the needs of their constituents in a timely manner.

Whether you travel for business or pleasure, international travel involves risk. You may arrive at your destination to find that your luggage with personal items has disappeared. A personal emergency may necessitate your early return to your Home Country. But what would happen if you or one of your family members became ill or injured while away from home? A medical emergency may require hospitalization or even air evacuation. In most cases, your existing insurance will not provide adequate protection for these and other risks.

You have enough things to worry about when you’re traveling or living abroad. Don’t let your medical coverage and exposure to significant financial liability be one of them.

What types of plans are available?


International Travelers Coverage

Whether you are traveling internationally for business or pleasure you need medical insurance that responds to your special needs. A medical emergency may require an evacuation, a sudden illness might necessitate immediate attention by a qualified doctor, or your luggage with personal items may be lost.

The Atlas Series of coverage is designed for the individual who is traveling or residing outside of their Home Country for a period of less than one year. If you are traveling outside of your Home Country and are at lease 14 days old, you are eligible for coverage. The minimum coverage period is 15 days and the maximum coverage period is 12 months. You may purchase coverage in combinations of monthly and 15-day increments, depending on your needs.


International Major Medical Insurance

This product provides annually renewable major medical coverage for individuals and families. Coverage is available for U.S. Citizens overseas and non-U.S. Citizens anywhere, including the U.S. Whether you have relocated outside of your country of citizenship, are on an overseas assignment, or doing career mission work you need this comprehensive, portable and seamless coverage.

The International Citizen Series of coverage is available to citizens of all countries of the world who are at least 14 days, and not older than age 74. If you are a U.S. Citizen, you must reside outside the U.S., or plan to depart the U.S. within 30 days of the effective date. If you are a U.S. Citizen, you must also reside outside the U.S. for at least 6 months within each certificate period. Citizens of other countries may reside anywhere, including their country of citizenship.


Travel Accident

These products are changing dramatically from the early Accidental Death Polices that travelers purchased at airports before boarding an airplane to cover themselves should there be an air disaster. The newest policy will now provide Accidental Death and Dismemberment and Permanent and Total Disability Insurance for travelers regardless of the cause of the accident – including coverage for loses resulting from most acts of War and Terrorism.

The MultiNational Travel Accident Plan is a comprehensive Personal Accident and Assistance plan for international travelers. If you are traveling outside of your home country and are at least 18 years old but not yet 65, you are eligible for coverage. The minimum coverage period is 1 month and the maximum coverage period is 1, 3 or 12 months, depending on your destination. The plan may be purchased alone or as a supplement to other programs.


MultiNational Group Benefit Plans

Whether you are a U.S. based organization with employees overseas, or a non-U.S. organization employing expatriates, third country nationals or key local nationals, a dependable and cost effective international group benefit program is a necessity. Group rates, monthly payment options and life insurance all combine with the highest quality medical insurance to deliver reliable, responsive and cost effective coverage for small and large groups alike. As international employers seek to compete in Global markets, the challenge of attracting and retaining qualified international employees can only be met with a comprehensive international group benefit program.

A+MultiNational Group Benefit Plan is available to U.S. based organizations with a subsidiary or a division operating outside the U.S., with 3 or more international employees and is available to organizations based outside the U.S. with 3 or more employees. All active, full-time(30 hours per week or more) employees are eligible as well as dependents.


International Term Life Insurance

Obtaining quality life insurance protection while traveling or living abroad can be difficult. Our ten year level term plan can be a great supplement to your insurance portfolio.

IC+International Term Life Insurance plans are only available to individuals residing outside of the U.S. at time of application, certain other country restrictions limit the jurisdictions where the product can be written.


Travel Assistance Services

When you travel abroad or reside far from home, it’s nice to know that you are not alone. Travel Assistance Services programs are designed to help out in those situations when you need assistance and you don’t know where to turn and time is limited. Travel Assistance Services are not insurance benefits and are not a guarantee of any other benefit under the Atlas or International Citizen plans.

The following Travel Assistance Services are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week while an Atlas, International Citizen, or Travel Accident plan is in effect.

  • Pre-Trip Health and Safety Advisories

    (Available after purchase of coverage and before departure) – call for current passport, visa, inoculation and vaccine requirements, as well as up-to-date travel safety advisories.

  • Livetravel Services

    – we will make emergency travel and itinerary changes for you including rebooking flights, hotel reservations and ground transportation arrangements.

  • BagTrak

    – the industry leaders in tracking lost, checked baggage will help you locate your lost baggage, and deliver it to you anywhere in the world.

  • Emergency Message Relay

    – will relay messages to your family, friends and co-workers, helping you to maintain contact during an emergency.

  • Emergency Cash Transfer

    – will assist you in arranging and obtaining cash transfers anywhere in the world.

  • Other important Atlas/International Citizen/Travel Accident Travel Assistance Services include:

    Medical referrals
    Up-to-the-minute travel medical advisories
    Assistance with prescription drug replacement
    Dispatch of a doctor or specialist
    Emergency travel arrangements for family members
    Lost passport or travel documents assistance
    Embassy and consulate referrals
    Legal and accounting referrals
    Bail bond assistance
    Translation and interpretation assistance

Which plan should I purchase?

Atlas series:

Atlas International – If you are a U.S. Citizen traveling abroad for 6 months or less.
Atlas America – If you are a Non-U.S. Citizen traveling outside your Home country for 6 months or less.
Atlas Extra – Regardless of citizenship if you are planning on traveling for 6 months or more.
Atlas Professional – If you are an international traveler who requires coverage for multiple trips abroad during the year. Covered for multiple trips with durations of 30 days or less throughout the year.

International Citizens Series:

Platinum – International Citizens needing worldwide coverage.
Premier – International Citizens needing coverage outside the U.S. or Canada.
Risk Share – International Citizens who can share some risk and require coverage outside the U.S. or Canada.

MultiNational Accident Plan Series:

Travel Accident – Any International Traveler who wants to supplement their medical package with the added benefits of accidental death and disability coverage. Travelers who do not require separate medical may want to take advantage of the AD&D coverage which includes the Travel Assistance Services.

A+MultiNational Group Series:

Group Benefit Plan – Various plan designs are available for any organization outside the U.S. with 3 or more employees. Plans may include health, life dental and disability benefits.

IC+Term Life Insurance Series:

Term Life Insurance – Various life plan options are available for International Citizens residing outside the U.S. A Basic Plan, a Terminal Illness Plan, and a Double Indemnity Plan are available for term periods of up to ten years.

Doesn’t my domestic insurance plan or

medicare cover me for travel?

Perhaps. Still, there are practical considerations to take into account, which you may not be aware. The typical domestic policy has time and coverage area restrictions. Exceeding these limits can place you at risk. Medical examination notes are often written in a language other than English, and will either be the responsibility of the insured to have legally translated, or will be at best, very difficult for the domestic insurer to administer. These problems are eliminated with an experienced international claim administrator. The additional benefits listed below offer significant protection from exposures not typically accounted for in domestic coverages:
Inpatient/Outpatient/Intensive Care
Emergency Evacuation
Emergency Reunion
Repatriation of Remains
Emergency Dental
Local Ambulance
Trip Interruption
Lost Checked Luggage
Accidental Death & Dismemberment
Common Carrier Accidental Death
All of these benefits and considerations add up to a powerful case as to why you need to take the appropriate steps to insure your needs, and to protect you and your family while traveling.

It is important to review your domestic insurance policy to determine if you have coverage, limited coverage, or any coverage at all while traveling outside your home country. If you are a U.S. Resident and on medicare you should be aware that there is no medicare benefit available to you while outside the United States. For citizens of countries with a national medical program make sure that you know the plans limitations.

What is covered?

It is extremely important to be aware that different international policies have different benefit levels. Travel policies typically offer a few added features that Major Medical policies don’t have due to the special needs of the traveler in unfamiliar surroundings. Medical benefits have been modeled after traditional plans marketed in the U.S. for many years. These features are simple and easy to understand where Benefits are subject to affordable Deductibles and modest Coinsurance payments. Policy Limits will apply to all benefits in all plans.

In general terms you will find coverage options available for:


  • Medical – See individual plan for Schedule of Benefits and Limits

  • Emergency Dental – See individual plan for coverage and limitations

  • Emergency Evacuation – Emergency air and/or ground transportation to the nearest Hospital that is qualified to provide the medically necessary treatment.

  • Emergency Reunion – In the event of an emergency evacuation, the cost for transportation and lodging for up to 10 days for a relative to join you at the site where you are hospitalized.

  • Trip Interruption – The company will pay for your return to your Principal Residence due to the Death of an immediate family member or the destruction of your home or if after a covered emergency evacuation it is medically necessary for you to return home.

  • Repatriation of Remains – In the event of a covered Injury or Illness resulting in your death, your bodily remains will be prepared and transported back to your Principal Residence.

  • Lost Checked Luggage – In the event your checked luggage is permanently lost by the carrier you will be paid up to $250.00 for replacement of clothes and personal items.

  • Accidental Death and Dismemberment – See individual plan for coverage and limitations.

  • Common Carrier Accidental Death – See individual plan for coverage and limitations.

  • Return of Minor child – If minor children are traveling with a single adult who is hospitalized for a covered illness and the minor children will be left unattended for an expected time of 36 hours or more, then transportation will be arranged to return the children to their Principal Residence.

  • Travel Assistance Services – See individual plan for level of coverage and limitations.

What is not covered?

It is equally important to know what is not covered under international policies. Refer to the Exclusions section of the plan you are considering to see what charges, treatments, surgeries, medications, conditions and circumstances are not covered. Travel Insurance and Major medical plans treat the following items differently. Pre-existing medical conditions are not covered in general, but may be eligible for a very limited benefit in case of an acute onset. Participating in hazardous sports may be covered with the purchase of the Hazardous Sports Rider. Home Country coverage is available on a limited basis with the purchase of the Home Country Coverage Rider.

How can I obtain this coverage?

It’s easy. You may request a quote and apply on line or you may contact your agent and request a brochure and application. Atlas Travel Insurance plans can be purchased with a credit card online and policies issued and printed immediately on your computer 24 hours a day. The International Citizen Major Medical and IC+Term Life Insurance plans can be quoted and applied for on line or by mail, however approval is subject to underwriting guidelines and may require medical exams or other documentation. You may request a quote on line or by mail for the A+MultiNational Group Benefit Plan, application is by mail.

All individual product brochures include rates and an application for your convenience. If you have questions please give us a call.

Who Administers and Insures this plan?

The information contained in this section is a general representation of the products offered and concepts to be considered when traveling or residing internationally. The specific series of policies that have been mentioned or described in general: Atlas Series, International Citizen Series, Multinational Travel Accident, A+MultiNational Group Series, and IC+Term Life Insurance Series, are policies issued and insured by the Administrator and Insurer listed below. Please refer to the actual policy details from the carrier for an accurate and legal description of these plans.

MultiNational Underwriters, Inc, headquartered in Indianapolis, Indiana, is a full service organization offering a comprehensive portfolio of insurance products designed specifically to address the insurance needs of international travelers. A Travel Guard® International company, that benefits from the experience of a corporate group that protected over 6 million travelers last year. International claims specialist, medical professionals, and customer service representatives are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to answer your questions and respond to your needs. Whether you have lost your luggage or are in need of Emergency Evacuation, you will find a service team which is prompt, compassionate and of the highest professional quality ready to assist you.

Lloyd’s the largest and oldest insurance market in the world, is the insurer of these unique insurance products. Rated A-by AM Best Company and A by Standard and Poor’s, Lloyd’s provides financial strength and security that is unparalleled in the worldwide insurance market. Lloyd’s is recognized as a market leader in the accident and health insurance arena, and is well-known for its innovative products and services. Presently, Lloyd’s provides accident and health insurance to millions of individuals in almost every country in the world.


Sign up for latest news updates. Please contact us for immediate information on how to implement these initiatives for your group-specific needs at info@medicalsolutionscorp.com or Call (855) 667-4621.
Get Annuity Quote

Get Annuity Quote

Get Annuity Quote

main_annuityIntro to Annuities –


An annuity is a contract issued by an insurance company. It is a unique financial product that provides tax deferral of interest and capital gains and the option (if funds are annuitized) of a guaranteed monthly income for life.

Although annuities can serve various needs, the primary purpose of an annuity is that of a retirement vehicle for the annuitant, the person who will usually receive the annuity benefits. The annuity is an attractive retirement vehicle because the money accumulating in an annuity, grows on a tax deferred basis. There are two parts to an annuity: the accumulation phase and the distribution phase.

After accumulating money in an annuity it is not mandatory that the annuitant exercise the annuitization option and relinquish control of his or her cash value and enter into the annuity distribution phase, the annuitant can simply cash out of his or her annuity. Click here for more info.

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About Us

About Us

About Us

360PEO is a Professional Employer Organization (PEO) consulting firm. We are your trusted advisors when it comes to the PEO industry. 360PEO brokers out PEO services for all the leading PEO companies.

We have exceptional knowledge in the industry, and all the latest products. With our expertise and knowledge we are able to better understand our client’s needs and concerns and assist them in navigating through the complexities of making a the correct decision in partnering with a PEO.

We assist our client in finding them the PEO that best suits their specific needs. We negotiate on their behalf and service them throughout our relationship. We maintain exceptional relationships with our PEO providers and thereby we have the ability to service our client’s needs and advocate on their behalf.

With over 400 PEO’s in the United States, the decision may be tough. 360PEO only partners with reputable and accredited PEO companies – making your decision that much easier. We have the ability to price out multiple providers and explain the benefits and weaknesses that vary from provider to provider. Making your decision that much easier.

We cater to every industry from white collar like accounting firms, law firms, technology and IT firms to gray and blue collar industries, like manufacturing, distribution, food services, logistics, nursing homes and daycare centers. We even cater to higher risk industries as well, including transportation and more. If you’re in business – we can assist you.

Our team consists of licensed insurance producers as well, giving us the ability to give our client’s a full range of options, from the open and standard markets as well as the PEO market. Thereby our clients are able to make a fully educated and unbiased decision. 360PEO is always here to assist our client’s, and we are truly a service oriented PEO consulting firm. We assist in every area possible: proposal process, decision, implementation, on boarding, enrollment and throughout our client’s partnership with his specific PEO we maintain our relationship with our client’s to assure that everything is perfect. We understand the complexities and are here to assist and be of service – and only that.

Our clients have been weathering the volatile storms of healthcare from the early days of health indemnity plans, HMO’s of the 90’s until today’s alternate funding arrangements such as H.S.A.’s, H.R.A.’s, F.S.A.’s and consumer driven healthcare plans. We maintain rich levels of benefits by finding ways of re-insuring clients and discovering market inefficiencies.  Finally, we can help determine if your business would be better served by outsourcing your employee benefits to a PEO ( Professional Employer Organization ).  We work with several PEO’s and we can help you determine which would be best for your unique business situation.

A Solution To Rising Premiums

As healthcare premiums continue to rise by double digit rates, employers are finding it more and more difficult to reduce costs and maintain coverage. One way to deal with this is to shift more of the costs to the employees.

We, on the other hand, have an alternate to such cost cutting measures. Let us show you how.  Be sure to check out the latest updates on Health Care Reform at our blog.

200 Business Park Drive
Armonk, NY 10504
Telephone: (855) 667-4621
email: info@360PEO.com

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New Fed. Labor Laws by #of Employees

New Fed. Labor Laws by #of Employees

Aside from the many health care related  questions that are popping up with the new Health Care Reform Act otherwise known as Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act there are also new Labor Law changes that affects businesses of all sizes.  For the latest info please visit Healthcare.gov.

A downloadable form and respective gov hyperlinks are available here with a summary of the key labor laws (updated for 2011).

Stay tuned, with changing political make up of the House these laws may undergo changes and tweaks.