Obamacare Simplified Using Youtoon by Kaiser is just what the Doctor ordered. With less than 60 days to go to the October 1, 2013 Health Exchanges Open Enrollment Period what better way to ease the confusion than a 7 minute cartoon?
CMS maintains the HealthCare.gov website, and this is where individuals can find more information on health insurance exchanges, the enrollment for which begins on October 1, 2013. Depending on which state individuals reside in, one may be able to enroll in an exchange plan, or may be directed to their state’s own exchange enrollment site. Employers can also use this site to learn about the Small Business Health Options Program (SHOP) which can help them provide coverage for employees.
Several resources have been made available to help people weed through the information and to make you aware of what requirements and deadlines apply to you. The Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) brought some levity to the topic by creating an animated video explaining the upcoming changes in health coverage under the ACA. Narrated by Charlie Gibson, “The YouToons Get Ready for Obamacare,” explains what is and isn’t changing under the law and is posted on the KFF site, along with other resources on the topic. KFF President, Drew Altman, was quoted as saying, ’[t]his cartoon is meant to demystify a complex law and explain what it means for you, whether you support or oppose Obamacare.”
Obamacare Simplified Using Youtoon
Our HealthCare Reform Resource
NYS Approves Health Insurance Exchange Rates
Federal government health care site: www.healthcare.gov
Kaiser Health Reform Subsidy Calculator:http://healthreform.kff.org/subsidycalculator.aspx
For a comparison and additional questions on which Exchange – Individual or SHOP Exchanges is right for you please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp. Stay tuned for updates as more information gets released. We’re inside of 45 days until exchanges open, and information will be coming quickly in the next few months. Sign up for latest news updates.