HTTPS is your friend

HTTPS is your friend

At times a non related health care themes needs posting.  This one is an important  security measure that ought to be applied by all users whenevr possible.    HTTPS connections are often used for payment transactions on the World Wide Web and for sensitive transactions in corporate information systems.  Some of you are familiar with this when banking online you will see this prefix automatically  This is easy to do and is being offered by many premier sites such as Facebook, Gmail, Twitter etc.

This is an excerpt form a great article in PC World:

HTTPS Is Your Friend

When you’re browsing the Web, protect yourself by using HTTPS (Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure) whenever possible. HTTPS encrypts the connection between your PC and the Website you’re visiting. Though HTTPS doesn’t guarantee that a site is secure, it can help prevent other parties from hacking into the network and gaining access to your account.

Many sites use HTTPS by default: When you purchase an item online or log in to online banking, for instance, your browser will probably connect to the site via HTTPS automatically. But you can go one step further by enabling HTTPS on Facebook, Twitter, and Gmail.

To use Facebook’s HTTPS feature, log in to Facebook and click Account in the upper-right corner. Select Account Settings from the drop-down menu, and look for ‘Account Security’ on the resulting page. Under the Account Security heading, click Change, check the box next to Browse Facebook on a secure connection (https) whenever possible, and click Save.

You can easily enable HTTPS on sites such as Twitter and Facebook and on services such as Gmail to introduce an extra level of security.For Twitter, first log in to your account. If you’re using the new Twitter interface, click your account name in the upper-right part of the screen, and select settings. (If you’re still using the old Twitter interface, click theSettings link in the upper right of the window.) From there, scroll down to the bottom of the resulting page, check the box next to Always use HTTPS, and click Save.

To enable HTTPS on Gmail, log in to your account, click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and select Mail Settings from the drop-down menu. Next, under the Browser Connection heading, select the button labeled Always use https. When you’re all set, scroll to the bottom of the page and click Save Changes. To learn more about Gmail security, visit Google’Gmail Security Checklist page.

Please browse responsibly as your sensitive information can comprise your data as well as your contact’s stored on your PC.   Kindly pass this on!

Twitter Highlights

Twitter Highlights

twitter1gifIn my few moments of writers block (procrastination) last month I’ve been experimenting with the effect of Twitter’s microblogging. What have I learned? The primary thing that you need to know is that the world of Twitter is wide open to new participants, whether individuals or companies.

Thanks to the apple_logo-fullApple guys at The Westchester Store enclosed below are neat Twitter links and resources. – This is the main site where you can go to sign up for a

free account. – This is the site that allows you to judge positive and

negative comments about a product. – This website is the art project that follows peopleʼs

emotions in real time. – This website allows you to do a live video stream and

connects through twitter. – download free wallpapers for your twitter

homepage. also you can buy custom wallpaper here as well. – is a link shortening service that allows you to shorten URLs that

you tweet to your followers. – a webpage that aggregates the tweets of business

people. – this is a shortened link bringing you to a great guide for

beginning work with twitter. – Here you can download the program Twitterific for

your computer. An excellent Twitter client for your mac. –  directory of Twitter users organized by interests