AllCheck Compliance Reporting
- Company Tax ID#
- Total Full-time employees (work more than 30 hours on average per week) ?
- Total Part-time employees (work less than 30 hours on average per week)?
- On what pay cycle do you pay employees?
- What is a typical part-time employee’s average hours worked per pay cycle (e.g. 25 hours per pay cycle if weekly, 50 hours per pay cycle if every two weeks)?
- Is coverage offered to at least 95% of your full-time employees (employees that work 30 hours on average per week)?
- What’s the annual wage of the lowest paid benefits eligible employee (this is only used to calculate affordability – a requirement of health care reform)?
- What’s the monthly premium cost to the employee if they elect employee only coverage?
- How do you manage your COBRA or state continuation of coverage compliance?
- For the benefits you do provide, how do you deduct premiums from employee pay? (Pre-tax/Post-tax/No Benefits/Not sure)
- Have you setup a Premium-Only Plan (POP) or Flexible Spending Account (FSA)?(Yes/No/Not sure)
- Are you reporting the value of health benefit premiums on employee W-2 forms? (Yes/No/Not sure)
- How do you manage your payroll and tax filings?( Use a service/Do it myself/Not sure)
Please email back to for report results.