Obamacare 2014 Deadline Nearing
According to a recent Kaiser Poll the majority of uninsured do not know they have until March 31st to buy health insurance or pay a penalty. The new Kaiser poll found 76 percent of the uninsured are unaware of the looming sign-up deadline. Only 24 percent could name the date correctly. It is worth pointing out that the Individual Mandate has NOT been delayed. The initial 6 month open enrollment is about to end by March 31, 2014.
This is troubling as the first open enrollment’s generous 6 month opportunity tightens up to only 3 month for 2015. The public has always had a weak grasp of ObamaCare’s provisions, but the administration’s tendency to shift deadlines has added to confusion about when patients must act to gain coverage. The poll found that 56 percent now view the law unfavorably while 22 percent view it favorably.
Approximately 50% of the population prefer a plan that allow stem to see more doctors even if it costs more. The network strength is not as wide as on the better risk group marketplace. Yet the majority of the uninsured preferred lowers costs even if this means a smaller network. See States Pushing Back Against Smaller Networks.
For enrollment help before the deadline information please contact our team at Millennium Medical Solutions Corp (855)667-4621. We have Spanish, Russian, and Hebrew speakers available. Quotes can also be viewed on our site.
Federal government health care site: www.healthcare.gov
Kaiser Health Reform Subsidy Calculator:http://healthreform.kff.org/subsidycalculator.aspx